Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Very Bored

I am very bored since Genie left. She was so fun! Also my toe hurts a lot because I bumped it into the door. It was an act of pure stupidness, its really aching right now and I wish there was some magic formula that you could just slap on it and POOF! the pain would be gone. Too bad there isn't such a formula...maybe I should invent one...how about that...except for the fact that I couldn't invent one because I don't even know the difference between a rock and a mineral, just like mocha and coffee (Barf Ice Cream).
I wish somebody would right more comments to me for making this wonderful page. It would take my attention off my foot for a while at least.
You know all the time I've had this blog (since yesterday) I don't think anyone but Genie and her sis have even glanced at it.
You know, I don't know why I did what I did: I put advertisements on my blog. Its not like I needed to or anything I just did. I'm just glad they are ads like "Hurricane Katrina Relief Help" or "Knit for a Cause" ads (I just made the last one up, don't ask)...
I think I covered pretty much everything in these last paragraphs for today...I hope you are reading this Genie!


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